This section of the FAQ covers:
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A full range of security topics, from low-level to high-level and defensive to offensive. Research material is presented in conjunction with suggested reading on relevant topics.
Presentations are generally technical and in-depth in nature, and are allocated 50 minute time slots each. In pre-arranged circumstances speakers may be allocated two 50 minute time slots with a brief break in between.
RUXCON staff firmly believe that the technical calibre of our speakers is not matched by any other computer security conference in Australia.
A list of presentations presented at RUXCON in previous years is available in the Archive section of the site.
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A call for papers for RUXCON 2006 will be released in the near future.
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Accompanying files for talks presented at RUXCON will be made available in the Archive section after each conference. However, speakers maintain the right to keep their accompanying files private, in which case they will be unavailable to the public.
If approved by the speaker, audio of presentations will also be made available for download on the website.
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No. To keep costs at a minimum for attendees we do not fly speakers to the conference. Where possible we will try to assist speakers in finding accommodation for the duration of the conference, but RUXCON cannot provide any financial assistance.