Archive > 2005 File Archive
This archive includes talk slides, and general accompanying files from talks at RUXCON 2005. There is also some competition information available to view. More slides will be added as they become available.
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Saturday Presentations
COM on your face by Mark Dowd |
Attack Automation by Roelof Temmingh |
Beyond NX: An attackers guide to anti-exploitation technology for Windows by Ben Nagy |
Binary protection schemes by Andrew Griffiths |
Securing Modern Web Applications by Nik Cubrilovic |
Using OWASP Guide 2.0 for Deep Penetration Testing by Andrew van der Stock |
Moving towards the Artificial Hacker by Ashley Fox |
Computer Forensics: Practise and Procedure by Adam Daniel |
Black Box Web Application Penetration Testing by David Jorm |
Trust Transience: Post Intrustion SSH Hijacking by Metlstorm |
Crypto Rodeo by Amy Beth Corman |
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Sunday Presentations
Deaf, Dumb and Mute: Defeating Network Intrusion Detection Systems by Christian Heinrich |
Attacking WiFi with traffic injection by Cedric "Sid" Blancher |
Malware Analysis by Nicolas Brulez |
Breaking Mac OSX by Ilja Van Sprundel & Neil Archibald |
Electronic Evidence - a Law Enforcement Perspective by Jason Beckett |
Poker Paranoia by Sean Burford |
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Exploit Development Competition by Dme |
Reverse Engineering / Crypto Competition by Technion |
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All material is for educational purposes and to supplement talks that were presented at RUXCON 2005. All views expressed in the material present is that of the speaker and not reflective of RUXCON. Any programs or source code contained within this material is purely for proof of concept.