FAQ > 3 - Activities

This section of the FAQ covers:

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3.1 - What sort of activities should I expect to see?

At RUXCON several LAN and social activities take place. They are informal and fun competitions allowing participants to test their computer and security knowledge in a relaxed, yet competitive environment. Prizes are rewarded to competition winners.

Activities held at RUXCON include:

Social activities:

RUXLAN activities:

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3.2 - How am I able to propose an activity?

If you feel you have a new and interesting competition idea which could be held at RUXCON please e-mail activities ruxcon org au.

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3.3 - What do I need to participate in competitions?

If you intend on participating on the LAN be sure bring a desktop or laptop computer. There is both wireless and Cat5 connectivity available on RUXLAN. It would be appreciated if you brought your own 1-3m UTP cable if participating on the LAN via Cat5.