FAQ > 1 - Introduction

This section of the FAQ covers:

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1.1 - What is RUXCON?

RUXCON is a conference organised by and for the Australian computer security community. It is an attempt to bring together the individual talents of the Australian scene, through live presentations, activities, and demonstrations.

RUXCON is non-profiting with staff volunteering their time, effort, and resources to assure the smooth and professional running of the conference, keeping it at a low and affordable price for attendees. RUXCON staff firmly believe that the technical calibre of our guest speakers is superior to those at any other security conference in Australia.

RUXCON is held over two days in a relaxed and informal atmosphere, and in the past 2 years has been held at UTS in Australia. The conference allows attendees to enjoy themselves, socialise with others, and expand their knowledge on security.

RUXCON presentations run for one hour, cover a diverse range of topics, and are presented by credible local and international speakers. Attendees have the opportunity to meet new people, either socially during the lunch or drink breaks, or during the many activities and competitions held over the weekend. These competitions will allow novices to improve their basic skills, while experts can test their skills against their peers, with everyone having the opportunity of winning prizes and having some fun.

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1.2 - Where is the next conference going to be held?

RUXCON 2006 will be held again at University of Technology (UTS) in Sydney, Australia.

The address is: No. 1 Broadway, Ultimo [Broadway City Map]

Entrance gates are located Cnr Broadway and Harris Streets. (Interstate and overseas attendees please note that George Street changes names to Broadway near Central Station and again further out from the CBD it is referred to as Parramatta Road) [Broadway Entrance Map / UBD Page 236, B16]

Facilities at the venue include provision of food and drinks, including alcoholic beverages. Attendees are firmly reminded that the purchase of alcoholic drinks for minors under the age of 18 is illegal. Any breach of these rules will result in immediate removal from the premises.

Entrance gate photos:

entrance gate photo #1  entrance gate photo #2  entrance gate photo #3

For more information see the Venue section of the site.

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1.3 - When is the next conference going to be held?

RUXCON 2006 will be held on the 30th of September and the 1nd of October, 2006.